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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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The insect contest introduces high school students to the fundamentals of entomology. Insects are found on all continents and dominate most landscapes. Understanding the role of arthropods in complex ecological cycles is of utmost importance to agricultural crops and animal production, human health and well-being, and conservation. The purpose of this CDE is to engage students in comprehension of arthropod characteristics, growth, feeding, their impact on humans, integrated pest management, safe use of pesticides, careers in entomology, and the taxonomy and nomenclature used by entomologists in identification of common insects and their relatives.



The objectives of the contest are to teach participants the basics of insect form and function, identification, their roles in the environment, integrated pest management, pesticide safety, and careers in entomology. 


Event Rules

  1. No talking, comparing, or copying of cards 
  2. Decisions of the judges will be final. 
  3. The high three scores will be considered as the official team score. 
  4. Each contestant shall complete the event in the time allotted: 
    1. Section I – approximately 45 mins 
    2. Section 2 – approximately 45 mins 


Event Format


Team Make-up

  1. One entomology team is composed of three or four members. 
  2. Schools not entering a team may enter one or two students individually.



  1. Pencil (required) 
  2. Clipboard (recommended) 
  3. Hand lens (at least 10x magnification)



  1. Each contestant shall complete the event in the time allotted: 
    1. Section I – approximately 45 mins 
    2. Section 2 – approximately 45 mins 
  2. Section I (150 points) 
    1. There are 25 stations. At each station will be a pinned specimen. A maximum of 2 minutes will be allowed per station. Each station is worth 6 points. Two points awarded for common name, two points for order, one point for mouthparts, and one point for significance to humans. 
  3. Section 2 (50 points) 
    1. 25 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth 2 points. 



Section I - 150 
Section 2 - 50 

Total Points

Individual - 200

Team - 600



Team and individual score ties will be broken using the accumulated points for correct type of metamorphosis for each insect in Section 1. Each question is worth 1 point.




Supplemental Materials