Animal Science Quiz Bowl
Livestock production is an important part of the agricultural industry in Oklahoma and the United States. For this reason, the curriculum in Agricultural Education classrooms devotes a great deal of time to this important subject, and an Animal Science Pathway is also available for students to pursue. This event will test the knowledge of students in a traditional quiz bowl format.
- To gain a broad knowledge of the livestock industry.
- To gain knowledge of animal feeding and nutrition.
- To gain knowledge of animal breeding and genetics.
- To gain knowledge of traditional and non-traditional animal enterprises.
Event Rules
- Each FFA area will be represented by no more than three teams at the State FFA Interscholastics. Each area is responsible for determining the teams from their area.
- The following curriculum will be the primary source used to develop the questions
for the Animal Science Quiz Bowl:
- CIMC Animal Science, Third Edition (Ag3006)
- CIMC Introduction to Agriscience, Units 5-12 (Ag3001)
- The following resources may also be used to develop questions:
- Thomson-Delmar/Gillespie, Modern Livestock and Poultry Production (8th Edition)
- National Agricultural Institute, Introduction to Animal Science, Just The Facts
- There will be no predetermined list or bank of questions.
- FFA chapters may enter only one team.
- Each team should have four FFA members who are in the tenth, eleventh or twelfth grades. FFA members in the eighth and ninth grade are not eligible to compete in this event.
- A random draw will determine the seeding of the bracket.
- Double elimination will be used.
- Each team must designate a captain.
- Official FFA Dress is required. Failure of all team members to be in Official FFA Dress will result in disqualification of the team.
Event Format
- Team Make-up
- Team of 4 members
- Equipment
- Participating teams should have a set of quiz bowl lights and buzzer system that has a time clock available for use as needed.
- Specific Rules
- Each game will include four rounds. There will be two Toss-Up (Individual) Rounds and two Lightning (Team) Rounds.
- The Reader will ask the questions and determine a correct or incorrect answer based on the question/answer documents provided by the OSU Animal Science staff. There will be two Score Keepers. One of which will also serve as the timekeeper.
- A protest of the Reader’s decision is limited to a short period after each Toss-Up or Lightning Round.
- The captain of each team is required to sign the final score sheet at the end of the contest.
- The Reader will immediately stop reading the question when the buzzer sounds and allow the player to answer the question. If the player misses the question, the Reader will repeat the complete question for the other team.
- The team with the highest score at the end of Period One will be given the option of doing the Lightning Round in Period Two or Period Four. The non-participating team may not remain in the room during a lightning round.
- In the Lightning Round, the first answer given is counted right or wrong and cannot be repeated. A question can be passed and then repeated within the time period.
- Member substitutions can be made after the first Lightning Round.
- Only the team members will be allowed in the room during a match
- If any person associated with a competing team interrupts the contest for any reason, that team will be disqualified.
- The writing down of questions and recording devices will not be allowed in the contest room.
- Event Schedule
- Period One - Toss-up Round
- After a question has been read, participants have up to 10 seconds to buzz in.
- After 10 seconds, the Reader goes to the next question.
- Participants are given 10 seconds to answer any question.
- Three questions per pair of players for a total of 12 questions in the Round.
- Team A player #1 vs Team B player #1
- Team A player #2 vs Team B player #2
- Team A player #3 vs Team B player #3
- Team A player #4 vs Team B player #4
- Period Two - Lightning Round
- A team is given 90 seconds for the reading and answering of 10 questions.
- The team may confer, but the captain must answer each question.
- Period Three - Toss-up Round
- Three questions per pair of players for a total of 12 questions in the round.
- Period Four - Lightning Round
- The team that did not play in Period Two is given 90 seconds for the reading and answering of 10 questions.
- The team may confer, but the captain must answer each question.
- Period One - Toss-up Round
Toss-up 1 - 120
Toss-up 2 - 120
Lightning - 100
Total Points - 340 points
In case of a tie score at the end of the Toss-Up Round or Game, each of the four pairs
of players will be asked one question in a Toss-Up Round. This procedure will continue
until the tie is broken.
- CIMC Animal Science, Third Edition (Ag3006)
- CIMC Introduction to Agriscience, Units 5-12 (Ag3001)
- National Agricultural Institute, Introduction to Animal Science, “Just the Facts”
- Thomson-Delmar/Gillespie, Modern Livestock and Poultry Production, 8th Edition