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Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Whether it's your pine tree that is looking sick or your wheat crop that is stunted and yellow in low-lying areas, we are here to help solve your plant disease problems.


The primary goal of the Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Laboratory (PDIDL) is to provide residents in the State of Oklahoma with both accurate diagnoses of plant diseases and insect pests and recommendations for their control. The PDIDL operates throughout the year to provide plant disease and insect identification services to extension agents, individuals, consultants, and commercial producers. To see how receive a diagnosis, refer to the section on "Sample Collection". To request service please fill out a Plant Disease or Insect Diagnostic Request Form


The mission of the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service is to disseminate and encourage the adaptation of research-generated knowledge relating to agriculture, home economics, rural development, and 4-H youth development to the residents of Oklahoma.


